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Calculation of deflection by strain energy method using Abaqus software and Analytical Solution

In this example, we intend to calculate the Deflection using the Abaqus software and Analytical Solution

In this problem, first, the deflection of point C is calculated using the Analytical Solution, then, the deflection of point C is calculated using the Abaqus software, and following that, the results obtained from the Abaqus software are compared with those of Analytical Solution

In this picture, you can observe geometric shape of the Model which includes two AB and BC rods having been connected together

The length of AB and BC rods are equal to 200 mm and a force equal to 150 N is applied downwards to point C and the purpose is to calculate the vertical deflection of point C

Deflection obtained from the Analytical Solution is equal to 11.57 mm

Deflection obtained from the Abaqus software is equal to 11.6 mm

As you observe, the results obtained from the Abaqus software are precisely concordant with those of the Analytical Solution


  • Ehsan


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