Price 5

Calculation of the load capacity of the pile group Abaqus

This example been chosen from Example 8.6 Sam Helwany book

In this example , we calculate the long-term load capacity of the pipe group

Pile group consisting of four concrete piles and each pile has a square cross section with length and width 0.6 m

The interaction between the pile and the soil is simulated using a penalty-type interface between the pile and the soil with a friction factor of 0.3

This question will be modeled based on drained condition. The drained condition will indicate low loading rate . Also during the analysis , the pore water pressure will be zero

you see one-fourth of the geometry

The soil layer is assumed to be elastoplastic, obeying the cap model with cap hardening properties

Also must be defined the initial void ratio and Geostatic stress for saturated soil

Since the Model is symmetric in this question , we will simulate one-fourth of the Model

This question will be done in 3 steps

The step 1 is used for applying the weight of the soil and pile

The step 2 is an intermediary step

In step 3 , a vertical displacement is applied to top surface of the pile

Pile group load versus settlement curve from Sam Helwaney book
Pile group load versus settlement curve from Abaqus
Comparison between Abaqus results and Sam Helwany book results

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