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Deformation of a sandwich structure under the air blast loading using the CONWEP method in Abaqus

In this example we intend to simulate deformation of a sandwich structure under the air blast loading using the CONWEP method in the Abaqus software. Actually, we intend to investigate the effect blasting of 3 kg ,2 kg ,1 kg of TNT on Sandwich structure in the Abaqus software

As you observe in this picture, the place of explosion is 100 mm above the surface of sandwich structure

In other words, the blast source is at distance of 100 mm from the top surface of the sandwich structure

The sandwich structure is composed of one honeycomb core and two plates which have been placed above and below the honeycomb core

In this example , the honeycomb core has been welded to the top and bottom plates. We will use Tie Constraint in order to define this interaction

Since the sandwich structure is symmetric, we will simulate only one-fourth of the sandwich structure

In this question , we use CONWEP method in order to simulate the air blast. In this method, there is no need to simulate geometric shape of the explosive itself. Also, we don’t need to define the properties of the explosive either

We will only need to distinguish the mass as well as the place of the explosive , in fact , CONWEP method is the easiest way to simulate an explosion in the abaqus

Actually, the CONWEP model is a model developed based on experimental data that is customarily utilized by U.S. army

Vertical displacement in the center of sandwich structure
Maximum of vertical displacement as a result of detonation of 1kg , 2kg , 3kg of TNT


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