Natural frequencies of two degree of freedom system using the Abaqus software and Mechanical Vibrations book
In this example, we intend to obtain the natural frequencies of two degree of freedom system using the Abaqus software and Mechanical Vibrations book.
In this problem, m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 1 kg, k1 = 30 N/m, k2 = 5 N/m and k3 = 0. In this problem, c1, c2 and c3 dampers are all equal to 0, meaning that there’s no damper in this system. Actually, this system only includes mass and spring
This problem has been selected from Mechanical Vibrations book by Rao.
We will simulate this system in the Abaqus software and then compare the results obtained from the Abaqus software with results of the Mechanical Vibrations book
In this picture, you can see the results of Abaqus software
In this picture, you can see the results of Abaqus software
In this picture, you can see the results of the mechanical vibrations book
As you observe, the results obtained from the Abaqus software are exactly concordant to those in the Mechanical Vibrations book
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