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Period of the mass-spring system using the Abaqus software and Analytical Solution

In this example, we intend to calculate the period of Mass-spring System in the Abaqus software. As you observe in the picture, the stiffness of spring is equal to 400 N/m, and the concentrated mass is equal to 2 kg 

In this problem, the period of mass-spring system is first calculated using the Analytical Solution, following that it is calculated using the Abaqus software and finally, the results obtained from the Abaqus software will be compared with results of the Analytical Solution

The period is the time it takes for the system to make one complete oscillation , or in other words, The time it takes for the system to return to its initial state

The period of the mass-spring system is equal to 0.444 seconds from Analytical solution

The period of the mass-spring system is equal to 0.44 seconds from Abaqus software

As you observe , the results obtained from the Abaqus software is concordant with results gained from the Analytical Solution


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