Sequential construction of an embankment on a clay layer Abaqus
This example been chosen from Example 4.7 Sam Helwany book
The embankment is constructed in three equal layers, each 0.6 m thick. Each embankment layer is constructed in a two-day period, during which consolidation of the clay layer takes place. The total construction time is six days
In this example, we use 5 steps , step 1 is Geostatic step ,The geostatic option make sure that equilibrium is satisfied within the clay layer
In step 2 we construct the first embankment layer ,In step 3 we construct the second embankment layer , In step 4 we construct the third (last) embankment layer and in Step 5 is a consolidation step with a duration of 200 days
Assume that the embankment material is linear elastic with Density of 1923 kg/m3, E = 478 kPa, Poisson ratio of 0.3, k = 0.1 m/s, and e0 = 1.5. Assume that the clay layer is elastoplastic, obeying the extended Cam clay model. The Cam clay model parameters for the clay layer are given in Table 4.5
We consider effective specific weight of each embankment layer with using body-force” option
In this example ,The groundwater table is coincident with the top surface of the clay layer
We intend to calculate the consolidation settlement under the center of the embankment
We intend to calculate the excess pore pressure in the middle of a clay layer under the center an embankment
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You will receive these files after purchase | Full video (Step by step) Cae file inp file Excel file (Results, pore pressure -time diagram) Excel file (Results, Settlement- time diagram) |
The language of the video | English |
Duration of the video | Is 42 minutes |
Size of all files | Is 88 MB |
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