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Training Geostatic step in Abaqus

in this educational video i intend to speak about geostatic step in the Abaqus software and teach you all important points about that

the main duty of geostatic is that it ensures the equilibrium inside the soil or in other words geostatic step ensures that the equilibrium is established in the soil layer. geostatic is always utilized as a step1 and is used for the matters involved with soil or the models in which soil exists. it is used both for dry and saturated soils

Here a question has been posed and that is do we always need to use geostatic step for the matters involved with soil? the answer is that if there is any soil in the model it would be better that we use geostatic as the step1

the next question is that what steps may be used following the geostatic step? if the soil is dry you can use static general step after geostatic step and if that is saturated you can use soils step following geostatic step

the next question having been posed here is that can we replace geostatic step with static general step? generally we can do this but first you should control the equilibrium inside the soil manually in order to ensure that there is an equilibrium in the soil. please note that if you are using static general step you should control the equilibrium inside the layer of soil yourself because the abaqus software won’t do such an action for you but if you are using geostatic step the abaqus software would automatically assures that the equilibrium has been established inside the soil 

Here i would like to explain about the errors which may occur occasionally in Geostatic step. as you observe in these two pictures this error would be distinguished by terms Fixed time increment is too large or Too many attempts made for this increment

You can see the complete tutorial in this video


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